Tuesday, December 10, 2013


My girl is so ready to be done with school. She loves it, but it makes for a very full and, at times, very stressful schedule. I am ready to have my wife back from the world of textbooks and clinicals and late nights at class. But first, she has finals. So, she studies. And studies and studies.

I've never met someone so committed to their school work. She is the definition of focused and organized at times. She deservedly has the grades to back up that effort. 

It is quickly coming to an end, though. She had her last clinical shift this past weekend. A test, a practical, an interview, and another big test are all that stand between her and her license. 
Graduation is almost here! 
I know I say it a lot, but really, I don't think I could be more proud.

Okay, sometimes she daydreams and isn't so focused... ;-)

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