Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Catalina Underwater

This is the waterproof portion of our Catalina trip. Kim found these adorable little disposable Fuji cameras that come in waterproof housing. These cameras were so much fun to play with and made this great adventure very well documented. For that, I am so grateful. My first adventure out into the ocean with my wife on a kayak... :)

A little bird decided to float alongside us for awhile. And this water... so very blue!

We could see the bottom of the ocean floor from our boat, but we couldn't touch it with our 8' paddles, so it was a bit deeper than it looks. We just stuck the camera in the water a few times and shot blindly in the direction ahead of us. I'm surprised at how well these cameras rendered these scenes.

We even saw some little fishies! Bright orange fellas!

And some little grey fellas - these guys were super friendly and came right up in my face a couple of times. I know they are hard to see, because they blended in so well, but there are a handful of little guys here just a few feet away.

We beached the kayak on a quiet little beach and decided to go for a swim. This led to some super fun underwater portraits!

Me, by Kim. :)

Our beach!

Another pair of kayakers floated by and this one boat was empty and anchored just off shore. The solitude of this place was just amazing.

An underwater / above water selfie! :)

My fun wife! The goggles came in super handy to see the fish that were playing in the water with us!

We spent a good hour just letting the waves hit us and throw us around. These moments... life is just good.

Best birthday ever. This woman makes life so happy for me. And I love that we get to have these new, exciting, ridiculous experiences together... we never stop growing and learning and trying and exploring.

Fuji Quicksnap Waterproof, ISO 800, Developed by Alpine Film Lab!

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