Saturday, February 7, 2015

Mojave Camping: Day Three

Day three of camping in Mojave started after a rather long night. The temperatures dropped a little lower and the wind blew significantly harder. Our tent at one point was caving in and literally laying on my face. At around 4am, I got up and moved my car into the "yard" to attempt to block the wind. It worked enough that we got another two hours of sleep. This night of sleep seemed significantly colder than the other, probably due to the wind. But, when we did finally decide to emerge from the tent, we were greeted by another lovely sunrise at our front door, and a falling moon in the opposite direction. Beautiful.

We packed up to head out for another adventure and eventually, to head home.

And we saw cows! In the desert!

A tree that burned up in a fire here many years ago. This whole area had a creepy feel to it, having never really recovered from that fire.

Heading out to another strange terrain of this preserve. The Kelso Dunes. These are huge sand piles that formed from the wind blowing sand from a dried up river over here many, many years ago. The wind still blows, and the sand circulates, but never blows away, being somewhat "stuck" in this area. It creates some big, hot hills and pretty sand!

Big rocky mountains in the distance add to the strangeness of this place.

Three days and two nights later, we were quite glad to be at home. Showers were amazing and artificial light had a strange aura to it. I very much appreciated being able to wash my hands. And a soft mattress has never felt so wonderful! We went into this little adventure very uncertain of the outcome. Partly expecting to return home as soon as the sun set and things got dark and creepy. But we actually found ourselves loving it. The solitude and peace, the lack of noise and distraction (other than a hoot owl) was amazing. We'll be doing this again, very soon.

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