Monday, May 18, 2015

My First SX-70 Photos

I joined the "Polaroid Week" group on Flickr this year on somewhat of a whim. I don't shoot a ton of instant, but I sure do love the little bit that I do. I didn't have much to share, since everything you share has to be "new" and unshared previously. I blog most of my photos, so I didn't have much. It worked out quite perfectly that a good pal happened to mail me a surprise pack of authentic Polaroid film. I used that on an 11 mile hike, along with a pack of Impossible, so I would have some photos to share. 

I didn't know that there would be giveaways, but oh, there were! I entered one giveaway specific giveaway really hoping to win, but highly doubting that I would. A Polaroid SX-70 camera was the prize. I went to bed early one night and missed the winner announcement. Thanks to one guy tweeting at me, I woke up to a wonderful surprise. I won! A few days later, a new camera arrived in the mail and I stuffed in with one of two packs of film I had on hand. 

The first photo I take is always the wife and the kitty. Here they are. :)

And of course, one more of Zoe. We were outside on the porch, grilling up some dinner, and the light and shadows and cuteness of the little beast caught my attention. Photo 2. Then I had to save all the rest because we had a camping trip to Joshua Tree planned!

And for good measure, the beautiful camera can be seen on my Instagram feed. :)

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