Friday, August 29, 2014

Zoe, oh Zoe

Zoe, oh Zoe. She loves our balcony. Always sunny, always warm, and lots of things to watch. 

Always, with the big eyes.

Breakfast in our house begins with coffee, and a cat who needs to watch everything. She's just too cute sitting at the bar with her tiny head just barely high enough to see everything I'm doing in the kitchen.

She loves looking out the windows, but she can't reach, so sometimes a chair gets moved over for her. :)
She is the queen of our home, even when she turns her head and blurs my photo. :)

B/W photos were made with a Nikon F100, on Delta 400, and developed by me! 
Square color photo was made with a Yashica 124G on Ektar, developed/processed by Alpine. 
Rectangle color photo was made with a Mamiya 645 on Fuji 400H, also developed/processed by Alpine. 

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