Friday, March 16, 2012

Olympus 35 RC: First Roll

My girl surprised me a week or so ago. Good surprise. I had the flu - like the actual influenza junk - and was sick for days. Then the bugs decided to take up residence in my lungs and I had pneumonia for days. It was not fun. Some time in the haze of all of the fever and ickiness, I found a little box waiting at the front door. We opened it together, and what do you know... this camera I've wanted was inside. What a lovely "cheer me up" surprise. 

I'm now the proud owner of the very classic, and very cute, Olympus 35 RC rangefinder. I loaded it up and took a stroll around our favorite park with it. The photos turned out quite nice, if I do say so. Thanks to the eBay seller for selling a very well maintained Oly RC to us.

All photographs were taken on a cheapy roll of Fuji Superia 200.

A spaceship kite?!
These trees are planted in a pretty straight line - we call this my grove. I love this little spot.

Spring is here. So are allergies.
My girl has a nice little film camera of her own. :)

Our sweet Zoe.

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