Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Eve at Grandma's

We spent Christmas Eve at my grandma's house this year. We were promised dinner, but were also treated to some tasty pumpkin pie! My grandma can bake a pie better than anyone. 

The old family recipe! I have the secret now!

Grandma showed Kim how to make a crust.

My aunt and I were directed to peel potatoes. We got to work like pro's and I only cut my fingers twice.

We found a heart potato!

My grandma's Prince, watched all of the kitchen commotion from the peaceful living room chair.

We were put to work fixing the front door while we were there. It was something like 18 degrees outside and we got pretty chilly, even though it didn't take long to fix. Just like when I was a kid playing in the snow, if you come in cold, you get hot cocoa. :)

My wife took a few of these pictures, including some of me. (And the super cute one above of my grandma!)

My auntie and me!

Grandma decided to smile at me instead of at the camera. :)

We were a colorful bunch..! :)

The front door to a house that will always feel like a home. Decorated for Christmas. :)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Our Front Porch

Do you ever have a moment where a scene in front of you suddenly has much more meaning to you that it had moments ago? Almost as if you have to stop and pay attention because it feels so important, yet mundane.

This was one of those moments for me. The photograph was obviously taken a few months back - when the trees were still green, rather than their current winter brown nakedness. Kim and I were sitting on the couch talking about the future - ideas, dreams, goals, etc.  She was soon to graduate and we were very newly married. It struck me as an important moment and I knew I needed to get a camera and save it. 

The way the sun was shining on the trees outside. Our chairs, sitting on our porch. I don't fully understand what made this moment seem so worth recording to me, but when I look at this photo, I can feel that importance still. I realize I am being quite introspective, but surely I'm not alone in these feelings and moments. 

I just want to remember our life, as it was and as it is. This moment is already long gone.

Yashica Mat 124G, Kodak Ektar 100

Friday, December 27, 2013

Coolest Puzzle Ever

One of our Christmas gifts this year was a really cool puzzle from Kim's mom. We were so excited about it that we decided to start it pretty much right after we opened presents. While the ham cooked and our Christmas movies played, we worked on it. Even Zoe got in on the fun. This thing is going to get framed eventually. Coolest puzzle I've ever seen. :)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Zoe's Christmas

Our cat is a spoiled little beast. She gets Christmas toys in her stocking (she has a stocking!) and, this year, she got a great big box in the mail for Christmas, too. 

The day after Christmas, a giant box showed up in the mail. This cat loves boxes, but she didn't really love the box that came inside of this box. This is our uncertain Zoe.

Surprise, it's a new crate. Not impressed.

Eventually, she decided to give it a try. Now she likes it. Prefect little nap spot for a kitty. Her opinion might change when we put the door on it and take her out of the house, but for now, she likes it. :)

Christmas Morning

Finally, Christmas morning rolled around. We got up bright and early, started the breakfast buns in the oven, and jumped into our presents. 

My wife got crafty on my Christmas card. It might have made me cry... :)

My pandas joined us for presents!

This gift was a total surprise - we tend to guess (accurately) what is under our tree for each other. She snuck this one past me. It's a fantastic photographic history of the Shuttle program from beginning to end. It's a gorgeous book that came in a cool box with this little Shuttle stamped on it!

My gnome. Also a complete surprise. I've been wanting a gnome for a few years, but never actually got around to buying one. This fella is cute. :)

I made a ham for the first time ever and it turned out pretty tasty!

Of course Zoe romped a bit in the discarded wrapping paper.

Until she tired out...