Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mamiya 645: First Roll

The first roll from the Mamiya 645! I'm officially sold on medium format. 

I learned a lesson in handling this camera with this accident, but I kind of like the result. :)

Mamiya 645 1000s, 80mm 2.8, Kodak Portra 400. Processed and scanned by Old School Photo Lab.


Hans ter Horst said...

I am the proud owner of a Pentax 645NII and was immediately hooked on medium format, I now have also a Pentax 67II as the 6x7cm negatives are another step up :-)

BTW, the check that I'm not a robot is driving me insane, showing me such distorted images that nobody can make any snese of them :-)

Andrea said...

I will most likely fall prey to the lure of 6x7 at some point in time. :)

And my apologies for the robot check, if I could make Blogger quit using that, trust me, I would. :)