Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mojave Camping: Day One

We decided to take a camping trip. Rather impulsively, this decision was made. But then a great deal of planning and list making happened over just a couple of days. This would be my first camping trip since I was a teenager, and that last trip way back then did not go so well. I was scared the entire time that the sun was not up. So, we weren't too sure how I'd handle this. But, we purchased sleeping bags and a few little camping essentials, loaded up the Subie, and headed to the desert. This was our first trip to the Mojave National Preserve, also. Another gorgeous desert landscape, similar, but so much larger and diverse than Joshua Tree.

Our first day consisted of the several hours of driving to get to Mojave. We filled up the gas tank at the last stop available - there is no gas anywhere near this preserve, so a full tank to start is essential. We pulled off of the big interstate and were immediately on dirt roads with big ruts and potholes. Eventually, we made our way to the campsite at the Hole-In-The-Wall area. We picked out spot and settled our camp! The scenery did not disappoint, nor did the solitude of this little piece of land.

Our "sink" for a few days. Fancy.

All set, basking in the sun. :)

Goofy wife gave herself antlers on our first little walk around to check out the scenery.


Getting some fire ready so we could cook dinner! Hot dogs and potato packs and smores!

Another place where the night sky just explodes with stars. The photo doesn't do it justice. It was honestly so dark that I was having difficulty using my camera, plus, quite cold out. I didn't make too strong of an effort on these photos and spent most of my time warming by the fire, cozy with my wife, and watching the sky put on a show.

Little did we know that just a few minutes later, the moon - almost full - would creep up over that mountain in the distance. A bright white ball of light that illuminated things so much that we didn't even really need flashlights. I was grateful for the natural "night light" for my first night camping. :)

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