Thursday, December 18, 2014

A New Old Typewriter

I recently decided that I wanted a typewriter in our home. I didn't know much about them, but started researching and quickly found the style I wanted. Something from around 1950 or so, with that sleek "mid-century modern" body style. But I also wanted it to be functional and actually able to type. 

We spent a weekend roaming around antique stores and flea markets, where we did see a few typewriters. They just weren't "right" though. I narrowed it down to a specific one that I hoped to find - the 1953 Royal Futura. That led to eBay searches, and then finally, Etsy searches... and there he was.

Even better, he was for sale from someone who is about 10 minutes from where we live. I cashed in an early Christmas present this year, met the gentleman at a grocery store parking lot, and this cool typewriter came home with us. 

His name is Leo. 
(I name everything.)

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