Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My First Try At Redscale

I attended the Film Photography Podcast Walking Workshop a few weeks ago. There was some discussion there about redscale film and it intrigued me. I spent a little bit of time researching about this film, and decided to try it out. Here is my first shot at trying out a roll!

These photos were also taken in a little Minolta Auto Zoom that I got at the same workshop. We went camping in Anza-Borrego, which included climbing around on big rocks. This camera came in so handy and was so easy to run around with.

For some strange reason, sometimes this film gave me yellow results, sometimes red, sometimes hot pink. I'm assuming the light variances played a roll in this. Otherwise, no idea why or what caused it, but I like the variances. Also, notice that super cool date stamp in the corner - prior to my figuring out how to turn it off. :)

I didn't finish the film at our camping trip, so it went to Joshua Tree the next weekend to get finished off.

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